Hamilton Chimney Repair

Hamilton Chimney Repair

Do you know whether or not you’re in need of Hamilton chimney repair services? It’s never a good idea to leave a damaged chimney unaddressed. Doing so can lead to further, more costly damage that will spread to different structures in your home. That said, not everyone knows the signs of chimney damage. Below are some of the most common signs that it’s time to get chimney repair services in Hamilton, NJ.

Hamilton Chimney Repair | Signs You Need Repairs Done

Hamilton Chimney Repair

1) A Crack in the Chimney

A chimney is only as strong as its components. If cracks appear in the chimney, it’s likely that other damage has occurred. This can be both dangerous and costly to repair, so get chimney inspection services right away.

2) Damaged or Missing Flashing:

When water makes contact with brick chimneys, this causes minor damage over time called weathering. The flashing around the chimney prevents this from occurring by allowing water to flow along the roof instead of contacting the chimney itself. Even if there are no visible signs of damage yet, missing or damaged flashing should be addressed immediately before further damages occur.  Another common sign of chimney problems is water leakage into one’s chimney.

3) Evidence of Animals Living in the Chimney:

Animals are notorious for getting into chimneys, which is why chimneys should always have chimney caps installed to prevent this from happening. If you notice fur or droppings built up inside your chimney, it’s likely that animal(s) made their way inside, causing damage. If you see evidence of animals living in your chimney, don’t hesitate to get chimney inspection services right away!  If you don’t know how they got there, call pest control services immediately before further damage occurs.

4) Smoke is Difficult to See:

In a chimney that’s in good condition, smoke rises up through the chimney in a smooth and steady manner. If you notice that the smoke only goes a small distance up your chimney before dissipating, this means something isn’t right. It can mean there was recent damage or it could be a sign of further problems. Either way, get chimney inspection services right away to get rid of chimney issues at their source so you don’t have to deal with the damages they cause!

5) Uneven Chimney Crowns:

Chimneys should always be intact and stable. If crowns are missing or unevenly spaced, chimneys need to be repaired. A professional will be able to tell you whether or not you need chimney repair in Hamilton, NJ.

7) Damaged Stucco:

Stucco is cement-based material typically used for exterior insulation. It’s important that damaged stucco around chimneys is repaired to prevent water seepage into chimneys.  If there are any openings in the chimney, similar problems may arise if this isn’t addressed immediately. If you’d like Hamilton chimney repair services performed, call a chimney specialist today!

Looking for the Best Company for Chimney Repair Near Hamilton, NJ?

Looking for the best company for Hamilton chimney repair? Contact St John Chimney Sweeps right away. At St John Chimney Sweeps we offer 100% customer satisfaction. We have been in business for over 15 years, and St John Chimney Sweeps is the only name you need to know for a full-service chimney sweeping and installation in the New Jersey area. Our employees have had extensive training and have earned many certificates that help them do their job with full expertise. We are efficient and provide a full explanation of the work we need to complete. Our licensed and insured company is also a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild. We have been supplying expert sweeps, repairs and installation services to homeowners all across the state of New Jersey. Call us at (609)737-0133 to find out more about our free estimates. Let us take care of all your chimney needs!

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