Lawrence Chimney Sweep
Having your chimney regularly inspected is a very important part of maintaining your home. Not only does a clean chimney keep your fires burning clean, but it can also keep pests out of your home and prevent dangerous house fires. Homeowners tent to neglect maintaining their chimneys because they are not usually on the forefront of the mind. This can lead to many problems for your home and the health of you and your family. If you haven’t had your chimney swept in a long time, we highly recommend that you schedule a Lawrence chimney sweep company to come and inspect your chimney. Today we will be looking at some signs that your chimney is in need servicing.
Signs You Need Lawrence Chimney Sweep Services
- A large buildup of soot in the fireplace. Soot buildup in the fireplace translates into soot buildup inside the flu of your chimney. It is alright for a small amount of soot to be in your fireplace, but accumulation over a quarter inch can be very risky. Each year, countless house fires result from excess soot buildup in your chimney. The substance that builds up inside your chimney is highly flammable and can wreak havoc on your house and family if it ignites.
- Foul smelling odors coming from your fireplace. If strong odors begin to come from your fireplace, this may be an indication of a clog. Blockage in your chimney causes smoke and other substances to come back into your house. This causes poor air quality inside your home and can lead to respiratory issues as well as more dangerous effects such as carbon monoxide poisoning.
- It’s almost winter and you haven’t have your chimney inspected yet. As the months become colder, people tend to use their chimneys more frequently. This is because people use their furnaces and fireplaces to heat their homes. This increased use leads to a faster buildup of soot inside the chimney. If you haven’t had your chimney swept yet this year, call a trusted Lawrence Chimney Sweep for a thorough inspection.
- You rarely use your fireplace. Many people figure that because they rarely use their fireplace they don’t need to maintain it or have it inspected. However, your chimney still needs to be inspected because it is subject to the outdoor elements. Additionally, if your chimney gets damaged, small animals can come inside and make nests inside your home. You should always schedule maintenance once a year to keep your home safe, cleaner and fire-free.
Looking for a Qualified Lawrence Chimney Sweep?
Look no further than St. John Chimney Sweeps if your looking for a reliable and professional Lawrence Chimney Sweep. At St John, we take great pride in providing our valued customers with our 100% satisfaction no-mess guarantee. Many of our quality products have a lifetime warranty. We are honest family owned company that always gives thorough explanations before we do any work. Our licensed and insured company is also a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild (NCSG). Call now for a free estimate at: (609) 737-0133 or visit our website.
NJ Chimney Sweep
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