by admin | Apr 19, 2018 | NJ Chimney Inspection
When is the last time you took a close look at your chimney? West Windsor chimney inspections are always a good idea. Some of the issues related to damage are obvious to see. Do you know how to maintain your chimney? If not there are several important points to consider. Of course you should always expect the professionals to accomplish these tasks and more. The biggest issue with chimneys is getting all the way to the top. Most of us aren’t comfortable working high up in the air so while we share these thoughts with you, keep in mind no one expects the average homeowner to tackle these jobs on their own. Trust the professionals, but educate yourself.

How to Maintain Your Chimney | Caps
Starting from the very top, which might be hard to see without a close look, caps can be in need of careful cleaning or replacing. Depending upon how old they are it might be easier to go with a newer cap. These serve several important purposes. The first is that they allow the exhaust to escape unhindered by back draft and the elements. Secondly they keep flying critters from venturing down the chimney for whatever reason flying critters chose to do such a thing. One last aspect is how they protect the flu from soot and rain.
There are options when it comes to chimney caps and in some areas the zoning laws affect those choices. Professionals know what the codes allow in your area but it helps to be informed of a couple of popular types of caps. Galvanized might be ok for some climates and provide long life but purchasing a stainless steel cap will give you the longest possible life. Protecting the flu is one of the most important goals in maintaining your chimney because replacing the flu is an expensive operation.
Cracks and Where to Find Them
Ideally you don’t find any cracks but unless your house is very new it is worth looking the entire chimney over. Cracks can lead to moisture penetration which can lead to unseen damage. They also pose a risk of weakening the structure significantly. Above the roof line we expect to see cracks, especially in areas where snow collects and sits for extended periods of time. Just below the cap and where the roof is sealed to the chimney, look for cracks and missing chunks of concrete.
Sealing these seams and replacing mortar is the first step. It is also a good idea to weather seal the entire area to protect it from the inevitable. Wind, rain, snow and changing temperatures are going to provide constant stress that needs attention periodically. It is far better to have a good maintenance program and never have the need for major repairs. Depending upon the position of your chimney, the professionals might make other suggestions to protect the structure periodically.
How to Maintain Your Chimney | Regular Cleaning
It can’t be stressed enough how important regular cleaning is for a chimney. One of the typical service requirements for furnace maintenance is to check the draw and flow of exhaust. The gasses released from wood, coal, oil and even natural gas are dangerous.
Even if you don’t know how to maintain your chimney, the professionals you contact to give it a good cleaning should know. They can offer support with a detailed analysis of its current condition. In fact you can call St. John Chimney Sweeps at (609) 737-0133 today and schedule an appointment. Our professional team will take care of all your chimney maintenance needs. We treat our customers like family and love to keep them safe.
Mercer County Chimney Sweep
by admin | Jan 15, 2018 | NJ Chimney Inspection
Hiring a New Hope Chimney Inspections Company is once of the most important things you can do to keep up with the maintenance of your home. Unfortunately, many homeowners forget to get it done. Not only can this lead to structural damage to your home, but it can also lead to dangerous chimney fires. If more than a year has passed since your last inspection, then you should hire a New Hope chimney inspections company right away! Unless you are a professional, a chimney inspection is not a DIY project. This is because performing a proper inspection and sweep is unlike most home improvement jobs. Today we will be looking at some reasons to hire a New Hope Chimney Inspections company.
Reasons to Get a Professional New Hope Chimney Inspection

A New Hope Chimney Inspections Company will have the right tools for the job
Inspecting and cleaning a chimney can be a very dirty job. Most of us would rather stay far away from the soot, ash and creosote that tends to build up inside a chimney, and we’d like even more for that stuff to stay off of our living room furniture, carpeting or clothes. Dealing with chimney “gunk” is business as usual for a chimney service, though, so they typically have the proper equipment to keep the mess to a bare minimum.
A New Hope Chimney Inspections Company can discover issues that amateurs tend to miss
Are you 100% confident in your ability to perform your own thorough New Hope chimney inspection? Unless you’re a contractor or chimney sweep yourself, then the answer to that question is probably a no. Tools and equipment are one thing, but technical know-how is another matter entirely. And when you pay a professional to inspect or clean your chimney, part of what you’re paying for is the their knowledge.
A true New Hope Chimney Inspections Company will have insurance
A New Hope chimney inspection or chimney sweeping service is usually more dangerous than cleaning a kitchen or a bathroom. Not only does a thorough cleaning usually require that the sweep climb up onto the roof of a house, but it requires handling substances that are flammable and potentially carcinogenic. Whenever you have work done on your home, there’s always some element of risk involved, and sweeping the chimney is no different. Although the job will very likely go off without a hitch, it’s also entirely possible for damage to be done to your property or even a person. The good news is that a reputable New Hope chimney inspection company will have liability insurance to cover any cleaning-related mishaps.
Looking for a New Hope Chimney Inspections Company?
If you are looking for the best Chimney Inspection Services, you’ve come to the right place! For well over 20 years, St John has been providing hundreds of satisfied homeowners with safe chimneys and cozy winters. Our licensed and insured company is also a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild (NCSG) and most of our quality products come with a lifetime warranty. St John is an honest family owned company that takes pride in our positive reputation in the community. For a free Hopewell Chimney Inspection estimate, contact now at (609) 737-0133 or visit the website.
Mercer County Chimney Sweeps Home Page
by admin | Dec 14, 2017 | NJ Chimney Inspection
Making sure to keep up on your West Windsor chimney inspections is one of the most important things home owners can do to maintain their home. This is not only true in regards to functionality but it is also true in regards to property value. Even if you rarely use your fireplace, it is still important to have it inspected yearly. Unfortunately, many home owners neglect to take care of their chimneys because of the myriad of other things that they have to think about in regards to their home. However, investing in regular West Windsor Chimney inspections is important for a number of reasons. Below are the top 5 reasons you should be sure to have your chimney inspected each year:

West Windsor Chimney Inspections | Protect Health
Blockages in your chimney can cause carbon monoxide to leak into your home, which is dangerous and even deadly. Fortunately, if you are having your chimney cleaned regularly, the technician will find and remove any blockages that could be causing carbon monoxide to enter your home.
West Windsor Chimney Inspections | Prevent Fires
Chimney fires are extremely dangerous because they can go unnoticed until the fire has spread to your home. Chimney fires are most often caused by a dirty chimney covered in creosote that has built up inside the chimney. This turns to a glaze that is highly combustible. Cleaning the chimney regularly removes this glaze and drastically reduces the likelihood of a chimney fire.
West Windsor Chimney Inspections | Prevent Smoke Damage
A dirty chimney allows soot to accumulate around the flue, which can cause the smoke to enter the room since the smoke isn’t being drawn upward. Not only does this leave a film on your hearth, but it will eventually cause blackening of nearby carpet, furniture, and decorations.
West Windsor Chimney Inspections | Identify Other Problems
A regular chimney cleaning usually involves an inspection by a professional trained to find other issues with the chimney. This inspection will identify broken tiles or cracks that could be allowing dangerous gases to enter your home. Regular cleaning and inspection makes it easier for you to identify and remedy these problems before they become more troublesome.
West Windsor Chimney Inspections | Peace of Mind
You’ll be amazed at the overall peace of mind you’ll enjoy knowing your chimney has been properly cleaned and inspected. You can enjoy the warm glow of a fire on a cold evening knowing that your chimney, home, and its occupants are safe.
Best in West Windsor Chimney Inspections | St John Chimney Sweeps
If you’re looking for the best company in Morris County for your West Windsor chimney inspections, look no further than St John Chimney Sweeps! For over 20 years, St John has been providing the West Windsor area with outstanding chimney sweep services. From inspections and sweeps, to repairs and installations, St John is the one-stop chimney and fireplace solution for you! If you would like more information about the services provided by St John, you can contact them today at (609) 737-0133 or visit the website:
by admin | Dec 14, 2017 | NJ Chimney Inspection
Regular Trenton chimney inspections are essential to keep your chimney functioning the way it should. It is the best way to boost efficiency and reduce the risk of a deadly house fire. This begs the question: How can you know when it’s time for a Trenton chimney inspection? Unfortunately, there is no one size fits all answer. However, understanding how often you should sweep your chimney is important to keep your fireplace in top condition. Below we will be taking a look at the importance of regular Trenton chimney inspections.

Trenton Chimney Inspections | Why is Chimney Cleaning Important?
Chimney cleaning helps to remove buildup of ash, soot, dust and debris from inside your chimney, and most importantly helps remove creosote. Creosote builds up on the inside of chimneys and flues when wood fuel is burned. The less efficiently wood is burned, the more quickly creosote builds up. This makes it difficult to determine when a fireplace needs cleaning based on usage alone. One fire where the wood is burned inefficiently may contribute much more creosote than many fires where the wood is burned properly. Creosote is highly flammable and can trigger a chimney fire if left to build up to more than 1/4 inch. Regular cleaning helps to remove buildup such as creosote and keep your chimney safe from fires.
Trenton Chimney Inspections | How Often Should You Clean Your Chimney?
Because the degree of creosote buildup can vary depending on how wood is burned, it can be tricky to work out just how often you should have your fireplace cleaned. Ideally, it’s best to ask a chimney professional to provide a chimney inspection to gauge the level of creosote buildup and determine whether a clean is necessary. Otherwise, as a rule of thumb the National Fire Prevention Association and the Chimney Safety Institute of America both recommend a chimney should be cleaned and inspected for structural soundness and integrity at least once a year.
Trenton Chimney Inspections | If I Haven’t Used My Fireplace Much, Can I Avoid Cleaning It?
Because creosote buildup can occur after relatively few fires where wood has burned incompletely, using your fireplace rarely isn’t necessarily a good reason to avoid cleaning it. Fireplaces can also deteriorate structurally due to water or impact damage and become clogged with debris or even pests, so it’s best to schedule chimney inspection and cleaning at least once a year at the minimum.
Trenton Chimney Inspections | Should My Chimney Be Cleaned More Frequently?
If you know that your fireplace is used often and your fireplace burns wood inefficiently, you may need to have your chimney cleaned more often. Chimney cleanings should be aligned with creosote buildup, so in chimneys where creosote buildup is happening more rapidly, cleanings should be more regular. This can also be the case where certain types of wood are burned, such as pine, which naturally releases more creosote. If you use your fireplace very frequently, or are aware that your fireplace is burning fuel inefficiently, it is advisable to consult with your local chimney expert about how often your chimney sweeps should be.
Looking For the Best in Trenton Chimney Inspections?
If you are looking for a reliable chimney sweeps company to handle your yearly Trenton chimney inspections,Contact St John Chimney Sweep today! For almost 30 years, St John has been the most trust chimney sweeps company in the Mercer County area. From inspections and sweeps, to repairs and installations, St John is the one-stop chimney and fireplace solution for you! If you would like more information about the services provided by St John, you can contact them today at (609) 737-0133 or visit the website:
by admin | Dec 14, 2017 | NJ Chimney Inspection
Regular Robbinsville chimney inspections should always be a part of your yearly home maintenance. Unfortunately many homeowners overlook having their chimney inspected each year. Chimney inspections are so important because they allow you to know the condition of your chimney and whether it needs to be swept or repaired. If your chimney gets too dirty without your knowledge, it could lead to serious problems that can affect many aspects of your life. Below are the top three reasons to schedule regular Robbinsville chimney inspections:

Why Robbinsville Chimney Inspections? | To Prevent a Chimney Fire
Trust us—you DO NOT want a fire in your chimney. A chimney fire can be quite spectacular—with loud popping and cracking sounds, lots of dense smoke and a strong, hot odor. But chimney fires aren’t always dramatic enough to alert the neighbors. Sometimes, they burn slow and aren’t even visible, but they still reach high temperatures and can seep into the walls of your house and ignite anything flammable. Flames from a chimney fire can quickly spread into the walls or onto the roof of your home and cause massive devastation, if not the total destruction of your home. It is a nightmare scenario, but one that can most likely be avoided with proper care and maintenance of your chimney.The most common cause of chimney fire is, simply, a dirty chimney. Over time, chimneys will become clogged with creosote, a natural, tar-like substance that is a by-product of burning wood. Creosote is black or brown in appearance and, over time, it builds up and leaves a glazing inside your chimney. This glazing is highly combustible and it can take only a small amount to start a fire. Restricted air supply is one of the factors that contribute to the build up of creosote, another reason it is important to clean your chimney regularly.
Why Robbinsville Chimney Inspections? | To Protect Your Health
Musical comedian Weird Al Yankovic is known for his humorous songs about pop culture icons, but there’s nothing funny about the way his parents died. In 2004, the Yankovics were found dead in their California home, victims of an accidental carbon monoxide poisoning from burning wood in their fireplace. Breathing the fumes from gas or solid fuel fires can be dangerous or, as was the case with the Yankovics, fatal.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is produced whenever fuel is burned. Even at low levels, CO can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, confusion and fainting. A blocked chimney or a chimney with an improperly functioning flue can cause a buildup of this dangerous gas. CO is responsible for thousands of deaths in America each year, and many of these poisonings are caused by blocked chimneys. This is why it is critical to have your chimney examined and swept to make sure your flue is clear before using the chimney.
Why Robbinsville Chimney Inspections? | Prevent Smoke Damage
When a chimney is not regularly cleaned, soot will accumulate around the flue. This makes it difficult for the flue to draw the smoke upwards and can cause the smoke to enter your room. This soot will leave a black film around your hearth and soil any furniture, carpeting or decorations nearby. Sometimes, smoke can even cause black staining around your chimney, which can be difficult or impossible to remove.
The Most Trusted Name in Robbinsville Chimney Inspections | St John Chimney Sweep
If you are in need of reliable Robbinsville chimney inspections, contact St John Chimney Sweeps today! St John has been providing homeowners all across the Mercer County area with outstanding Chimney related services for almost 3 decades. St John does it all! From inspections and sweeps to fireplace installation and masonry repair, St John is the solution to all of your fireplace and chimney needs! If you would like more information about St John Chimney Sweeps, please call (609) 737-0133 or visit their website:
by admin | Dec 14, 2017 | NJ Chimney Inspection
Investing in regular Princeton Chimney inspections is a very important part of caring for and maintaining your home. This holds true regardless of whether or not you use your fireplace. Because there are so many maintenance tasks that homeowners have to think about, the chimney often gets overlooked. This is primarily because most home owners don’t look at their chimneys too often due to the fact that they are on the roof of the home. As the saying goes – out of sight, out of mind! However, investing in regular Princeton Chimney inspections is important for a number of reasons. Below are the top 5 reasons you should be sure to have your chimney inspected each year:

The Importance of Regular Princeton Chimney Inspections | Protect Health
Blockages in your chimney can cause carbon monoxide to leak into your home, which is dangerous and even deadly. Fortunately, if you are having your chimney cleaned regularly, the technician will find and remove any blockages that could be causing carbon monoxide to enter your home.
The Importance of Regular Princeton Chimney Inspections | Prevent Fires
Chimney fires are extremely dangerous because they can go unnoticed until the fire has spread to your home. Chimney fires are most often caused by a dirty chimney covered in creosote that has built up inside the chimney. This turns to a glaze that is highly combustible. Cleaning the chimney regularly removes this glaze and drastically reduces the likelihood of a chimney fire.
The Importance of Regular Princeton Chimney Inspections | Prevent Smoke Damage
A dirty chimney allows soot to accumulate around the flue, which can cause the smoke to enter the room since the smoke isn’t being drawn upward. Not only does this leave a film on your hearth, but it will eventually cause blackening of nearby carpet, furniture, and decorations.
The Importance of Regular Princeton Chimney Inspections | Identify Other Problems
A regular chimney cleaning usually involves an inspection by a professional trained to find other issues with the chimney. This inspection will identify broken tiles or cracks that could be allowing dangerous gases to enter your home. Regular cleaning and inspection makes it easier for you to identify and remedy these problems before they become more troublesome.
The Importance of Regular Princeton Chimney Inspections | Peace of Mind
You’ll be amazed at the overall peace of mind you’ll enjoy knowing your chimney has been properly cleaned and inspected. You can enjoy the warm glow of a fire on a cold evening knowing that your chimney, home, and its occupants are safe.
Looking For the Best in Princeton Chimney Inspections?
If you are in need of a reliable chimney sweeps company to handle your yearly Princeton chimney inspections, look no further than St John Chimney Sweeps! For over 20 years, St John has been providing the Princeton area with outstanding chimney sweep services. From inspections and sweeps, to repairs and installations, St John is the one-stop chimney and fireplace solution for you! If you would like more information about the services provided by St John, you can contact them today at (609) 737-0133 or visit the website: