by sunshine | Mar 12, 2024 | Mercer County Chimney Sweep, NJ Chimney Inspection
When’s a smart time to have your chimney cleaned? For one, it’s when you’re not actively using your chimney, putting the decision to have it swept in the spring or summer seasons. However, you’ll come to know that the earlier you have your chimney swept, the better—for many good reasons.
Spring clean your chimney
Imagine that it’s cold out, snowing sideways, and you’ve spent the entire winter day looking forward to gathering around your fireplace that night. When you go to use it, you realize there’s something wrong. Suddenly, your beloved fireplace is out of commission for weeks until you can get a professional to have a look. Being proactive in caring for your chimney means never having to deal with this situation.
Protect your chimney
Damaged flue liners, billowing smoke, cracked masonry, and dangerous fumes—these are all problems that can be spotted during a normal chimney inspection, and having your chimney cleaned will bring any issues forward for analysis. After all, you wouldn’t take your car on a long road trip without having its oil changed first, would you?
Get Rid of Buildup, Nests, and Pests
During the winter, animals burrow, build nests, and find shelter from the cold weather. That shelter could very well mean your chimney. Having your chimney cleaned in the spring can clear out any nests, debris, and blockages. All of these blockages contribute to greater, more hazardous issues like constricted airflow or chimney fires.
Why clean in the springtime?
With nicer weather, animals don’t need to hunker down in your warm chimney as often. Still, without a chimney cap, your chimney is subject to debris and potential blockages even in the spring, summer, or the fall. When you have your chimney cleaned in the spring, your chimney professional will recommend installing a chimney cap to prevent debris from becoming a problem. They’ll install a cap if it’s needed, too. Now, when you go to use your fireplace in the cooler weather, you won’t have to worry about your chimney being obstructed with your chimney cap’s protection.
No More Fireplace Odor
You know that smell. The one that drifts through the house, a mix of chemically smelling soot that lingers around the mouth of your fireplace. That’s the buildup of the residue known as creosote in combination with soot. The smell is noticeable when the chimney isn’t in use, which makes spring and summer months the time of the year when you’ll start smelling this odor.
Having your fireplace and chimney professionally cleaned means immensely reducing this odor that wafts through your house. You can say goodbye to smelly fireplaces that stink up your living areas and a more important bonus—you’ll rid the chimney of dangerous creosote buildup, which if there’s a significant presence, can cause a chimney fire and toxic air pollutants.
Warmer weather is better, chimney cleanings and inspections reveal any problems your chimney may have. While the most basic of these issues can be resolved on the spot like creosote buildup, installing a chimney cap, and giving a chimney the cleaning it needs, there are other problems that demand a lot more attention. A damaged liner or flue needs to be addressed as soon as possible. It’s much better to have this work done when spring rolls around because you won’t be exposing your house to the cold outside temperatures. Even though chimney professionals can work in all conditions, it does make it easier and safer to address chimney issues when the roof isn’t slippery with ice or covered in snow.
Exterior masonry repairs
Although, if your chimney needs exterior masonry repairs, it is important to get this taken care of during the warmer months. Once the temperature begins dropping masons will not be able to complete these repairs without jeopardizing the integrity of the chimney.
Chimney Sweep Availability
Professional chimney sweeps find themselves particularly busy in the fall. It’s the season where homeowners are thinking about the looming winter months, the cold it will bring, and the fires that they’ll have to stave off the weather. It doesn’t take very long for chimney sweeps to have a fully booked schedule. Being proactive about your chimney’s cleanliness and health means getting a chimney sweeper to conduct an inspection and cleaning early on.
You’d be surprised about the lead times in the fall months. Making sure there’s plenty of opportunity to have this crucial job done before then can protect your chimney from experiencing serious issues before you light that fire and protect your family from the dangerous, sometimes fatal, fumes and combustion byproducts.
Spring clean your chimney
Safety and Protection Spring cleaning isn’t just for getting the dust bunnies out of your house or finally washing your windows. It’s about cleaning and caring for all the critical features your house has, and the chimney and fireplace should be at the top of the list. Improper care of chimneys can mean toxic fumes like carbon monoxide leaking into your living spaces, sometimes undetected, and putting you and your family at risk. It means problems that are neglected that could worsen your chimney’s integrity if not reckoned with right away.
When you put cleaning your chimney at the top of your spring to-do list, you can resolve and prevent major chimney issues. We’ve dedicated ourselves to making sure your home is safer and cleaner after we’ve completed every project.
Contact us
St John Chimney Sweeps Address 1613 Reed Rd D1, Pennington, NJ 08534 Proudly Serving Mercer County, Somerset County, Hunterdon County, & Surrounding Areas
Email: Phone Number: (609) 737-0133
Two Different Chimneys
by sunshine | Nov 20, 2023 | NJ Chimney Inspection
NO! You cannot smoke your turkey in the Chimney even with the flu open. Thanksgiving is by far the worst day for house fires in the U.S. There were 1,600 reported home cooking fires, a 238% increase over the daily average, on Thanksgiving 2017, according to the U.S. Home Cooking Fires report released by the National Fire Protection Association. That’s more than three times the number of home cooking fires on a typical day.
Can I smoke the turkey in the chimney?
The leading cause of these fires is unattended cooking, according to the report. With people preparing multiple dishes, often with lots of guests and other distractions in and around the kitchen, it’s easy to see why the number of home cooking fires increases so dramatically. Fortunately, the vast majority of cooking fires are highly preventable with a little added awareness, and by taking simple steps to minimize those risks.
The following is a list of tips for cooking safely on Thanksgiving based on the advice of the association and the American Red Cross.
- Never leave the kitchen unattended while you’re cooking on the stovetop. Turn off the stove if you need to step out of the kitchen.
- Keep flammable items, such as towels, oven mitts and wooden utensils, at least three feet away from cooking areas.
- Make good use of cooking timers to keep track of when a dish should be done and to remind yourself the stove or oven is on.
- Avoid wearing loose or hanging clothes or accessories that could easily come in contact with a heat source.
- Keep children and pets at least three feet away from the stove and from hot foods and liquids.
- Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove so they don’t accidentally get bumped when someone walks by them.
- Stay in the house when you’re cooking turkey and check on it regularly.
- Fires can start when the temperature gets too hot. If you’re frying food and start to see smoke or if the grease starts to boil, turn the burner off and carefully remove the pan from the heat source.
- Keep a pan lid or cookie sheet close in case of a fire starting in your pan. Use the lid or cookie sheet to cover the pan and put out the fire, and make sure to leave it in place until the pan has completely cooled.
- For an oven fire, turn off the heat and keep the door closed until you’re confident the fire is completely out. Stand to the side when you open the door just in case and call the fire department if you have doubts or concerns.
- Check the kitchen before going to bed or leaving the house to make sure all appliances, burners and ovens are off.
Oven Roasted Turkey
When preparing your kitchen for a delectable thanksgiving, Turkey prep is at the top of list. Before actually cooking your turkey or any other food, ensure it is COMPLETELY THAWED to prevent a fire or explosion hazard. Below are a few more useful tips to also to prevent fires:
- After testing your food, immediately close the oven door
- Keep your oven mitts and other cloth and paper out of the way of the burners.
- Keep a fire extinguisher, baking soda and metal lids nearby to put out fires quickly.
- NEVER use water on grease fire
Campfire Roasted Turkey
Campfire Roasted Turkey must always be cooked outside. Food cooked in a fireplace tastes marvelous, better than food cooked in most conventional ways today—the charcoal [grill] included,” says Suzanne Goldenson in the preface to her revised edition of The Open-Hearth Cookbook: Recapturing the Flavor of Early America. “And with a few minor exceptions—large cakes, soufflés and other delicate confections—most anything one could desire to eat can be easily prepared in a fireplace.”
- A multi-pronged fork that can be used to roast hot dogs or marshmallows.
- Wide fireplace shovels that can be used for making raclette or roasting chestnuts.
- A wire holder at the end of a long handle for making grilled cheese sandwiches.
- A cooking “crane”—a swiveling metal bar that can be mounted on a fireplace wall to swing out over the fire holding a cast iron pot to cook everything from soups to stews.
- Sturdy trivets that can be placed at the edge of the fireplace as a base for skillets or pots to cook meats and vegetables beside the flames.
- 8-12 pound Turkey
- salt and pepper
- seasonings
Serves 8 to 10 people. Season the turkey with salt and pepper and a seasoning blend (if desired). Place a meat rack in the bottom of a 14″ deep Dutch oven, spray with oil. If stuffing turkey, pack loosely. Place turkey on the rack. The sides of the turkey should not be touching the Dutch oven. Cover and start on low hook over medium fire. When the turkey begins to cook (steam and sizzle), raise to higher #2 hook and continue cooking. When the meat thermometer reaches nearly done stage, remove from fire, add top coals to brown and finish cooking. Roasting time for 8 to 12 lb. turkey is 2-3/4 to 3 hours, if stuffed 3 to 3-1/2 hours. Turkey is done when internal temperature reaches 180°F, stuffing 165°F.
Campfire Roasted Turkey
Of course, there are dangers to cooking inside that you won’t face on an outdoor grill. The main one is setting the house on fire. Cooking flames should be small anyway, and easily flammable articles, including loose clothing, should be kept well away. You’ll also need caution to avoid burns both from the fire and from superheated cookware. From cooking your bird to creating a cozy atmosphere, there are a ton of fire hazards for the holiday season. Make sure your chimney is clean and ready for a cozy fire.
Contact us
St John Chimney Sweeps Address 1613 Reed Rd D1, Pennington, NJ 08534 Proudly Serving Mercer County, Somerset County, Hunterdon County, & Surrounding Areas
Email: Phone Number: (609) 737-0133
by admin | May 26, 2023 | NJ Chimney Inspection
Do you want to know how to maintain your chimney? Chimney fires are very scary and dangerous. There are more than 25,000 chimney fires every year in the United States. The damages are great to the home sometimes destroying a home and also putting lives at risk. These fires are preventable. It is extremely important to clean, inspect and fix a chimney yearly to prevent these fires from happening and keep your families safe. Here are some ideas to prevent chimney fires from happening in your home:
Prevent Chimney Fires By Cleaning up the Build-Up:
The key cause of chimney fires is something called creosote. Creosote is a dark brown or black flammable tar put on the walls of a chimney especially from wood smoke. If the temperature of the space inside the chimney gets very high and the creosote build-up is thick, it catches on fire and can spread and move up the flue of the chimney. To reduce the build-up, only use seasoned wood that is dry and always keep the damper open so that there is enough airflow. An insulated flue liner will avoid temperatures from getting too cool and therefore forming creosote to thicken.
Prevent Chimney Fires By Schedule a Chimney Inspection:
A yearly inspection of the chimney on the inside and outside is important. Many flaws lead to chimney fires for example; a damaged flue liner and creosote build-up. A professional chimney sweeper will let you know of any damage that is found and any needs of repair. Check with your chimney sweep company about what kind of inspection is recommended for your chimney, to prevent build-up and possible fire.
Prevent a Chimney Fire by Installing a Chimney Cap:
Small animals can leave nests inside a flue and also there could be dry leaves inside which can quickly ignite a chimney fire when they come across loose ashes. A chimney cap around the outside opening of the flue will keep all these things out. Keeping the flue clear and proper airflow happening. This cap also prevents smoke from a fire re-entering the chimney and then coming into your home, filling your home with smoke.
Prevent Chimney Fires by Using Safe Fire Starters:
Always use the well seasoned wood logs, which are CSIA-approved logs. Never under any circumstance use gasoline to start at fire, since it is highly flammable and can quickly create an uncontrolled blaze. Using old newspapers or even pine cones or twigs for kindling a fire is acceptable. Do not use cardboard or glossy fancy paper as it may contain chemicals that will release fumes all around your home making the air toxic.
Prevent Chimney Fires By Using Clean Burning Methods:
The best way to produce a clean fire is to place large logs vertically at the bottom of the fireplace then add three or four horizontal logs on top, also placing some old newspaper or twigs and then lighting for a fire. Remember always before going to bed, put out the fire. You can spread out the wood so it starts cooling off, and once the wood is cooled you can wet the wood to put out any remaining sparks. Once the firebox has cooled, preferably at least eight hours, you can then shovel the ashes into a metal container. You can fill the metal container with water and store it outside of your home also away from any flammable objects.
So how to prevent chimney fires will keep your home safe. A clean chimney will not produce a fire therefore proper care and regular cleanings are extremely necessary to guarantee the safety of your family and home. Keep a clean chimney and you will have a safer home. Chimney fires are a dangerous problem but they can definitely be prevented. It is important to only use in your fireplace resources that are safe to burn and will not harm your chimney. This is critical in keeping your chimney in a safe and working order. An annual chimney inspection and cleaning are a crucial part of your home maintenance.
looking for a highly Experienced Chimney Sweep for a Chimney Inspection in the Central New Jersey Area?
Are you looking for the best chimney services in the Central NJ area? Contact St. John Chimney Sweeps today to inspect your chimney and have it cleaned. St. John Chimney Sweeps has been in business for over 15 years. We are a full service chimney and fireplace sweeping and installation company in Princeton, New Jersey. We offer 100% customer satisfaction and a no mess guarantee. Our products also come with a lifetime warranty. The employees at St. John Chimney Sweeps go through an extensive training and have earned certificates, which permit them to do the job right. We are honest and efficient in all our jobs. We are also a licensed and insured company. St John Chimney Sweeps is the most trusted New Jersey chimney sweep company. We have the experience and the skills to far exceed your expectations. Give us a call today. We encourage you to look through our website and see all we have to offer. Our blog can guide you in the right direction with helpful tips and advice on chimney related services.
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Mercer County Chimney Sweep
by sunshine | Nov 6, 2022 | Mercer County Chimney Sweep, NJ Chimney Inspection, NJ Chimney Repair, NJ Chimney Sweep
The National Fire Prevention Association 211 codes state the “Chimneys must be inspected and cleaned annually as necessary by a certified chimney sweep”. Most homeowners assume that their furnace company includes chimney cleaning as part of their maintenance process, but that is not true.
Chimney neglect will cause significant damage and endangers your family from carbon monoxide poisoning. Oil and gas furnaces and hot water heaters rely on the chimney for proper venting of exhaust. Although gas and oil appliances do not create creosote that wood-burning appliances do, they still produce soot. Soot is a highly corrosive substance that can damage chimneys and increase carbon monoxide levels in your home.
Furnace Flues can become blocked which allows a blowback of soot into your home and poisonous carbon monoxide to seep into your living space. If the furnace is in the basement, the levels can build up to dangerous high levels undetected. Scheduling an annual chimney sweep inspection and placing a carbon monoxide detector in the basement will save lives.
During the winter months, the furnace can not be cleaned without turning off the heat. During the winter, long running cycles produce soot and harmful substances that cling to the inside of the chimney. The accumulation of these substances restricts the escape of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and water vapor.
The furnace produces acidic condensate that will literally eat away at the flue lining in the chimney. If a clay liner begins to deteriorate, the broken bits can fall into the furnace damaging the operating mechanism. Chimney blockages will send the carbon monoxide straight into the basement, then the home living area.
The fumes are invisible, odorless, and tasteless. Carbon Monoxide can only be monitored by a detector designed for that purpose. A carbon monoxide detector is built into some brands of smoke detectors, and the battery should be changed twice a year when the clocks fall back and spring forward.
Fireplace flue cleaning and chimney sweeping refer to the same process. During the service, the technician generally uses a stiff-bristled brush or other chimney cleaning system to brush the inside of the flue to remove buildup from its walls.
Chimneys are havens for creatures and cause dangerous obstructions. Even if your chimney has a hood, creatures can access the funnel and flue. Smoky brown cockroaches are good flyers and can work their way down into the home where they like to live. They like flat roof areas and chimneys – this is how they enter structures. A chimney screen’s holes allow safe smoke ventilation, but nothing else can squeeze through it like fleas or cockroaches. One problem with screens is that pests can bite through them over time. To account for this issue, you could install both a chimney cap and a chimney screen with an annual chimney sweep inspection to ensure both layers of protection are intact.
If you have a chimney in New Jersey, chances are you’ll have Stink Bugs. The heat from buildings will escape from chimneys and vents and they will find their way in as they are attracted to warm areas in cold nights. Beetles and ants can crawl through the cracks of older fireplaces, especially if they’re built with brick. Wasps will nest in your chimney. Exterminating insects in the chimney by spraying will deter infestation. A more permanent solution is installing fine mesh screens, top sealing dampers, and by sealing cracks in your chimney’s exterior with mortar.
Raccoons, squirrels, birds, bats, and other larger pests can use the chimney itself as nesting spots. The chimney cap needs to be steel or copper lid with a mesh wire opening on its underside and installed at the mouth of your chimney. A professional Chimney sweep will remove the hood, replace it with a mesh wire cap, and remove the obstructions from the funnel and the flue.
Bees should not be exterminated; they should be preserved. Unlike wasps, bees are purely vegetarian in both the adult and larval stages. Bees gather nectar from flowers as a source of carbohydrates, as do many wasps. They fulfill their protein needs by collecting pollen. Most species of bees are valuable pollinators, and honeybees are an essential partner in the production of food crops for people.
More than 80% of U.S. food crops are pollinated by honeybees. In New Jersey, blueberries, cranberries, pumpkins, squash, strawberries, soybeans, cucumbers, peaches, and apples are among the many crops that benefit from honeybee pollination. Although wild insect pollinators such as wasps and other bee species help in native plant reproduction, only honeybees live in managed colonies of sufficient numbers for effective pollination of commercial crops. Only honeybees can be transported to large areas of blooming crops for pollination services. The past two decades have seen dramatic declines in the number of honeybees, due to the introduction of parasitic mites, diseases, and habitat loss. Visit to find out about bee-friendly plants you can cultivate. If a beehive sets up home in the top of your chimney you need a professional chimney sweep and a bee wrangler to remove the entire hive. The New Jersey Bee Association lists bee wranglers who can help.
A crucial component to the safe operation of your furnace is the proper configurations and size of the entire venting system. Homeowners often forget that when they purchase a new HVAC or furnace system, they need chimney sweep professionals to assess their new system. Manufacturers requirements specifically indicate the proper flue size for the safe operation of their system. If the flue size is incorrect excessive moisture and combustion gases will build up. Moisture is a huge enemy to your ventilation system.
If the system is being converted from oil to gas, building codes require a chimney sweep assessment, cleaning, and inspection prior to installing and operating the new system.
Spring, summer, autumn are great times to have your chimney sweep service. An annual inspection and cleaning by a CSIA- certified company will ensure the ventilation system is adequate and chimney is safe. Their assessment will also check gaskets and joints are intact.
In winter, the heat will have to be stopped for the chimney sweep to complete his inspection and service. Snow does not stop chimney sweeps. Before any sweeping is done, a visual inspection is performed to determine if the flue needs to be swept. Roof access is not needed to make this determination. Additionally, sweepings are generally performed from the base, making outside weather conditions irrelevant when it comes to running our brushes.
by admin | Aug 11, 2021 | NJ Chimney Inspection, NJ Chimney Sweep
A considerable amount of house fires in Mercer County are caused when creosote cakes up up on the interior of a chimney. Despite that fact, many homeowners continue to disregard this significant risk, and don’t take preventative measures when it comes to Mercer County chimney cleaning. When houses were heated by fireplaces only, prior to the Industrial Revolution, chimney sweeps were in demand as 19th century homeowners realized how important a clean chimney was for avoiding house fires.
Mercer County Chimney Cleaning
In the 21st century, avoiding a house fire is just as important. Even though most contemporary homeowners use their fireplaces for coziness or have remote controlled natural gas flames to fuel their fires, the majority still use wood to burn and are susceptible to creosote buildup in their dampers and flues. Homeowners are urged to have their chimneys inspected for creosote buildup and a chimney cleaning if necessary in the spring of each year.
Chimney fires are characterized by loud cracking or popping noises and a lot of dense smoke from the flue, but often times go undetected by the homeowner. Chimney fires are often explosive, and it is common for neighbors to hear the explosions and alert the homeowner. Chimney fires can burn at extremely high temperatures (up to 2,000 degrees F).
These super-hot fires will weaken masonry chimney structure after creosote residue builds up in sufficient quantities. The conditions that tend to attract creosote buildup include the natural lack of air supply in chimneys, burning wood that lacks enough seasoning, and cool chimney temperatures that occur in four-season environments. Overloading your firebox to get longer fires can also contribute to creosote residue buildup in your chimney.
So, how often do chimney fires happen? Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) statistics indicate there are more than 25,000 chimney fires annually in the US. These cause over $125 million in property damage, but, if they spread to occupied homes the measurement of human deaths and injuries is impossible to compute.
How Often Should You Get Mercer County Chimney Cleaning Service?
You should have an annual chimney inspection by a reputable Mercer County chimney sweep organization. Depending on how often you use your fireplace to burn wood, creosote residue will build up in your chimney. There are many factors that influence the amount of creosote stuck to the walls of your chimney, such as the volume of airflow into your chimney and burning improperly seasoned wood, which encourage such a buildup. Creosote will also buildup in the flue if you have unburned wood in the firebox.
There is not a “hard and firm” rule of thumb on how often to clean your chimney. An examination by an experienced chimney sweep is the only way to learn if your chimney, whether masonry or metal, needs a cleaning.
Modern prefabricated metal chimneys are specially treated to withstand the high temperatures of a chimney fire without suffering severe damage. Should they suffer damage from a chimney fire, the professional recommendation is to no longer use the chimney until you replace the unit.
Forms of Preventative Maintenance:
A common homeowner question: “How can I maintain the safety of my chimney between professional cleanings to avoid chimney fires?” There are things homeowners can do to better avoid often dangerous chimney fires. Here are a few steps Mercer County homeowners can take:
- Do not let ashes gather in the firebox. Clean them out if they are accumulating.
- Be sure to only use seasoned firewood in your fireplace. If you gather it yourself, season it for a year or more before you burn it. If you buy it from a vendor, ensure that the firewood company only offers seasoned wood.
- Ensure the damper is entirely open BEFORE lighting a fire in the firebox.
- Do not burn pressure-treated or painted wood in the fireplace. This will hasten creosote buildup (pressure-treated wood) or potentially create toxic fumes (painted wood) that are dangerous to your family members.
- Put the largest logs on the bottom of the firebox, followed by smaller logs on top. Why? The fire will burn hotter and produce less smoke. Top that pile with kindling (around one inch) and crushed newspaper to get the fire started properly. This method will retard residue buildup in your chimney.
- Have an annual inspection of your chimney by a professional. Hire an experienced, reliable chimney sweep to mechanically clean your chimney, removing tar and creosote.
Can Just Use “Chimney Sweeping Logs?”
It is not really the logs that do much, but the chemicals within them. Some “chimney sweeping log” products claim to assist retarding creosote buildup, and some of them do so. Those that are somewhat effective in maintaining your chimney between cleanings contain chemicals similar to the chemicals used by chimney sweeps for professional cleanings.
The chemicals are carried up the flue by the rising exhaust from the safe fire in your fireplace. These logs break down the residue coating the inside of your chimney, but many experts have a problem with the marketing strategy for these products.
If you read the “fine print” disclosures for these logs, you will see that the chemicals imbedded in them are labelled “might reduce creosote by as much as 60 percent.” However, experts refute this by saying, “The use of chimney sweeping logs alone is not an adequate substitute for mechanical chimney cleaning and inspection because it does not provide for the same level of protection to the chimney system. Every time you burn wood in your fireplace or wood stove, tar and creosote are formed and over time build up on the inside of your chimney.”
The bottom line is to not rely solely on chimney sweeping logs rather than hiring a professional Mercer County chimney sweep to clean your chimney. While they can help you maintain your chimney between professional chimney sweep cleanings, they do not replace the need for regular chimney inspections and cleanings.
Looking for the Best Mercer County Chimney Sweep?
If you’re looking for the best Mercer County chimney sweep, contact St John Chimney Sweeps right away. At St John Chimney Sweeps we offer 100% customer satisfaction. We have been in business for over 15 years, and St John Chimney Sweeps is the only name you need to know for a full-service chimney sweeping and installation in the New Jersey area. Our employees have had extensive training and have earned many certificates that help them do their job with full expertise. We are efficient and provide a full explanation of the work we need to complete. Our licensed and insured company is also a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild. We have been supplying expert sweeps, repairs and installation services to homeowners all across the state of New Jersey. Call us at (609)737-0133 to find out more about our free estimates. Let us take care of all your chimney needs!
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by admin | Jul 27, 2018 | NJ Chimney Inspection
Do you have a fireplace on your home and need to get a local Trenton chimney inspection? Your fireplace is just a location that hosts a contained fire in your home. There is a lot of potential for harm because of this. Getting your chimney inspected is a good way to make sure that your chimney is in good condition to work properly. Here are some of the main benefits to getting a chimney inspection.

Reasons for Local Trenton Chimney Inspection
1. Any cracks create a huge threat. The flue of your chimney is an extremely important part and needs to be in good condition. It is what brings the heat and gases out of your home so that it doesn’t build up inside. As it is used more and more, it will deteriorate and start to wear down. If your flue isn’t working properly, you put your whole home at risk for fire damage. Cracks in the masonry itself can also make your chimney less effective and minimize the experience of having a chimney in the first place.
2. You allow for repairs before it gets too bad. By getting a local Trenton chimney inspection you can uncover minor problems. The longer you hold off on getting smaller problems fixed, the less expensive it will be in the long run to fix. Detecting minor problems early also means they can be fixed before any extreme damage is caused.
3. Clear out any animals that may have taken up residence. It’s not uncommon for animals such as squirrels or birds to have created a nest in your chimney. This is extremely dangerous not only for you, but also puts them at risk. An unexpected nest in the top of your chimney can cause a fire that may lead to your whole house being at risk. Getting any nests cleaned out before using the chimney is vital.
Do You Need a Professional Local Trenton Chimney Inspection?
Getting your chimney inspected regularly is important. When you have your chimney swept, you should also get a local Trenton chimney inspection at the same time. For the best local Trenton chimney inspection services, contact St John Chimney Sweeps today. They’ve been in the business for over 15 years and offer 100% satisfaction and no-mess guarantee with every job. For more information on their services, contact them today by calling (609)737-0133 or visit the website!
NJ Chimney Sweep