Do You Know How to Maintain Your Chimney?

Do You Know How to Maintain Your Chimney?

When is the last time you took a close look at your chimney? West Windsor chimney inspections are always a good idea. Some of the issues related to damage are obvious to see. Do you know how to maintain your chimney? If not there are several important points to consider. Of course you should always expect the professionals to accomplish these tasks and more. The biggest issue with chimneys is getting all the way to the top. Most of us aren’t comfortable working high up in the air so while we share these thoughts with you, keep in mind no one expects the average homeowner to tackle these jobs on their own. Trust the professionals, but educate yourself.

How to Maintain your chimney

How to Maintain Your Chimney | Caps

Starting from the very top, which might be hard to see without a close look, caps can be in need of careful cleaning or replacing. Depending upon how old they are it might be easier to go with a newer cap. These serve several important purposes. The first is that they allow the exhaust to escape unhindered by back draft and the elements. Secondly they keep flying critters from venturing down the chimney for whatever reason flying critters chose to do such a thing. One last aspect is how they protect the flu from soot and rain.

There are options when it comes to chimney caps and in some areas the zoning laws affect those choices. Professionals know what the codes allow in your area but it helps to be informed of a couple of popular types of caps. Galvanized might be ok for some climates and provide long life but purchasing a stainless steel cap will give you the longest possible life. Protecting the flu is one of the most important goals in maintaining your chimney because replacing the flu is an expensive operation.

Cracks and Where to Find Them

Ideally you don’t find any cracks but unless your house is very new it is worth looking the entire chimney over. Cracks can lead to moisture penetration which can lead to unseen damage. They also pose a risk of weakening the structure significantly. Above the roof line we expect to see cracks, especially in areas where snow collects and sits for extended periods of time. Just below the cap and where the roof is sealed to the chimney, look for cracks and missing chunks of concrete.

Sealing these seams and replacing mortar is the first step. It is also a good idea to weather seal the entire area to protect it from the inevitable. Wind, rain, snow and changing temperatures are going to provide constant stress that needs attention periodically. It is far better to have a good maintenance program and never have the need for major repairs. Depending upon the position of your chimney, the professionals might make other suggestions to protect the structure periodically.

How to Maintain Your Chimney | Regular Cleaning

It can’t be stressed enough how important regular cleaning is for a chimney. One of the typical service requirements for furnace maintenance is to check the draw and flow of exhaust. The gasses released from wood, coal, oil and even natural gas are dangerous.

Even if you don’t know how to maintain your chimney, the professionals you contact to give it a good cleaning should know. They can offer support with a detailed analysis of its current condition. In fact you can call St. John Chimney Sweeps at (609) 737-0133 today and schedule an appointment. Our professional team will take care of all your chimney maintenance needs. We treat our customers like family and love to keep them safe.

Mercer County Chimney Sweep

Do You Know How to Maintain Your Chimney?

Causes of Chimney Damage

As we come to the close of a prolonged heating season, have you noticed anything peculiar regarding your chimney? Are there signs of moisture either in the basement or within the masonry? Is there any noticeable physical damage? We learn from Robbinsville chimney inspections that homeowners aren’t always aware of the causes of chimney damage. The obvious causes of large objects like trees or even lightning strikes are hard to miss but there are other reasons for a chimney to require repair. Let us explore why this aspect of our home should never be neglected when it comes to proper home maintenance.

Causes of Chimney Damage

Causes of Chimney Damage | Moisture

Rain doesn’t have to be torrential and the damage it produces can take a long time. Metal caps and flus are going to notice the prolonged exposure to moisture. No matter how well designed, water molecules will form condensation and eventually rust even though the metal is encased in masonry. The chimney flu is changing temperature constantly and attracting moisture and evaporating it again. The integrity of the metal will undergo a slow process of breaking down and over time need to be replaced.

Bricks and cement also suffer from water erosion. Once again the constant exposure to the elements will eventually form small cracks and fissures in the masonry. This can also contribute to a compromised flu, but more serious is the structural stability of the chimney. Here the inspection needs to be very thorough. The weight of even a single story chimney (approximately fifteen feet) is over five thousand pounds. With weakened mortar and bricks it may be difficult to prevent that much mass moving once it gets started.

What About Wind?

Can a strong wind actually take down a chimney? Hopefully the construction of your chimney is designed to handle the typical wind activity in the area you live. Most homes that we see impacted by tornados or hurricane force winds still show at least part of the chimney still standing. By design they should withstand the wind, but the wind over time has as much to do with the slow erosion of the bricks and mortar as the rain and snow.

Working in tandem these two elements can erode a mountain, so it is smart to consider the prolonged affect they’ll have on your home. Some argue that the best position for the chimney might be on the eastern side of the home since winds tend to primarily blow from the west. For most of the structure this seems logical, but the chimney to be effective has to extend above the roofline. Up there it has no protection at all which is why the inspections usually start from top to bottom.

Causes of Chimney Damage | Defects Unseen

Now that we’ve talked about mostly visible signs of chimney damage, we should also consider the possibility of defects in materials or workmanship. All building materials are subject to careful scrutiny for possible defects. Builders are also subject to series of inspections during the various phases of construction. From the foundation to the roof every part of a carefully constructed building remains susceptible to undetected flaws in materials and workmanship. Despite how careful we are putting it together, we simply expect it is going to need maintenance.

Like the natural elements mentioned above, interior defects are still one of the common causes of chimney damage. Typically we won’t notice these defects or the damage they cause until after the life cycle prescribed by the manufacturer. Are you aware of what that life expectancy is for the chimney on your home? Why not give us a call today and allow us to look at it for you? Not only can we confirm the soundness of the chimney but we can offer some tips for keeping it in good shape.

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Do You Know How to Maintain Your Chimney?

Signs Your Chimney Needs Repair

Do you enjoy a crackling fire in your fireplace at home? There is nothing quite like it. A fireplace gives off a homey atmosphere, a warming glow, and a cozy feel to any room. It provides a warm, comfortable place to settle down in front of on long winter nights. If you have a fireplace, however, you also have a chimney. While you are in your home enjoying your fireplace, how is the chimney doing outside your home? Have you looked for signs your chimney needs repair? Maybe it needs the professional help of a Mercer County chimney repair service.

Signs Your Chimney Needs Repair

Moisture | Signs Your Chimney Needs Repair

The culprit for most chimney problems is moisture. Any moisture that can squeeze its way between your chimney and the masonry can pose a big problem. All that moisture trapped up at the chimney level can freeze, then thaw out, causing stress on the masonry. This could lead to big problems for your chimney, possibly ending in its collapse. If you see any damage to your mortar joints, this could be a sign your chimney is in need of repair.

Crumbling Masonry | Signs Your Chimney Needs Repair

If you see any sign of flaking or peeling masonry, there is probably moisture between the chimney and masonry material. This is a sign that the moisture is damaging the masonry, which can result in loss of support to your chimney. This crumbling, or breaking off, is known as spalling. Spalling materials such as bricks are easy to identify because they will be popping off the chimney. If it is obvious that tiles or bricks have crumbled or popped off, there is a good chance your chimney needs repair and waterproofing.

Water Seeping in the Chimney Crown

The chimney crown is designed to keep unwanted things out of your chimney. It will protect it from things like water, debris, such as leaves and sticks, and even small animals or birds. You cannot tell if the chimney crown is damaged unless you get on the roof. Unlike bricks falling into your yard, a very obvious sign of damage, the chimney crown will require closer inspection for problems. Over time, a chimney crown can become deteriorated, especially if it is made of mortar. The elements will take a toll on a mortar chimney crown, resulting in a need for a replacement.

Signs of Moisture Inside

If there is moisture in your chimney, it will not only appear at the roofline. Any rust appearing on your damper or your firebox are a sure sign of moisture. Rust on the damper will mean operating it will be hard, and it probably will not easily seal. If you suspect any moisture problems, you need to contact a specialist, just as you would for obvious exterior problems. This excess moisture, which is causing problems with the damper, could also result in cracked flue tiles. This is particularly dangerous, as a build-up of heat could end in a house fire. Another sign of chimney moisture, is damage to any wallpaper near the chimney. Damp and peeling wallpaper close to your chimney are a tell-tale sign of needed chimney repair.

Rain, snow, sleet, the freezing and thawing of water on your chimney, all take a toll over time. If your chimney has any evidence of damage from moisture, these are signs your chimney needs repair. Do not hesitate, contact a Mercer County chimney repair service today. Keep your family safe, and get your chimney inspected right away. Then you can relax in front of a cozy fire, confident that your chimney is in good shape.

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Do You Know How to Maintain Your Chimney?

Chimney Basics


When you are a homeowner you become well aware of the investment worth of your home, from how much you paid for your house to the amount of money you put into renovations to boost its value. There are many things people look for when buying homes, a lot of it being the fine details and condition of your house. One major eye appeal though is the fireplace. Its the beauty of it, the sentimental idea of it, its a vocal point for a home and many people want one. So whether you are looking to be in your home for the long haul, or you know that eventually you might want to sell and move on to your next dream, you want to be sure your chimney is in good condition. You should find the best Trenton chimney sweep, but even if not, here are 3 chimney basics you all should know.

Trenton Chimney Sweep

  1. Trenton Chimney Sweep | What Type of Chimney Do I Have?

    I am sure by now you have realized that there are different types of chimneys, and knowing which kind you have is essential to the care and maintenance of your fireplace. There are the three main types of chimneys:
    Single-walled Metal- This type of chimney is seen mostly in much older homes. It is  single piped chimney coming out the top of your home with a circular top.
    Masonry- As we all know what masons are, you can rightfully assume that masonry fireplaces are the common fireplaces we see in homes. You will see the brick built chimney coming out of the top of your home.
    Pre-fabricated Metal – Also known as factory built, these kinds of fireplaces are mostly used in commercial buildings.

  2. How Are My Bricks?

    Not many people realize this but the bricks used to build your chimney is not the same as the kind that is used to build the rest of your house! The bricks that should be used when building a fireplace should be fire resistant, able to withstand up to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit. Now, not only do the bricks need to be specialized bricks, but the mortar used also needs to be heat resistant to protect for deterioration. Now, whether your chimney has been built with the proper materials or not, you want to be sure to periodically check your fireplace and chimney. You want to look up the inside your chimney and check for bricks and mortar that may be crumbling or decaying, and if this is the case you need to look into hiring a professional to come in and repair your chimney.

  3. Trenton Chimney Sweep | How Is My Flue?

    How well is your chimney ventilating? When you have a fire this winter if you notice smoke filling up in your living room, even  if it is only a little bit, then you are probably having a venting issue. The flue is the ventilation for your chimney and it is inside the lining, which is a liner that protects your chimney from heat and flammable products of the fire, of your chimney allowing the smoke and gasses to exit the home safely. A key note to keep in mind is to always make sure before having a fire that your chimney flue is open! If it is open and you still seem to be having smoke billow back into the room, or weird odors, it is probably time to reach out and hire a professional Trenton Chimney Sweep. Or, if you know how, you can clean the debris and creosote out of your chimney yourself, but be sure to use the proper care and safety methods when doing so!

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Do You Know How to Maintain Your Chimney?

Chimney Anatomy

For hundreds, even thousands of years, many families have found comfort and community sitting with one another around their family fireplace. It keeps us warm and brings us together, but as we all know, fire can be dangerous if not properly taken care of. If you are in need and looking for a Lawrence Chimney Sweep, be sure to read these great informational tips for your next fire this winter with your family and friends.

Lawrence Chimney Sweep

Lawrence Chimney Sweep | Two Types of Fireplaces

There are two most common types of Fireplaces. Masonry fireplaces and factory built fireplaces. It’s very simple to check on your own which kind you have. When you have a brick fireplace and the chimney outside your home is brick, and when you look up the inside of the chimney, it is most likely a masonry fireplace. If it is primarily metal, both on the inside and the outer chimney above your home, then you are most likely dealing with a factory built fireplace.

Lawrence Chimney Sweep | The Way It Works

Nobody realizes but your house itself helps your chimney. Your house is like an air flow system. Air comes into your house through the foundation, and is released through the top of house. Your fireplace needs this airflow. There are many different things that affect the airflow of your home. Wind loading, stack effect, interior mechanical systems, and your fuel burning systems, such as furnaces, water heaters, or fireplaces themselves. We all know that heat rises, as does the warm air in your home. Houses that have been built within the past twenty five years or so have been built more sealed then they used to be, creating a more difficult airflow in homes, but this process is call the stack effect.

Neutral Pressure Plane

With all of this airflow, somewhere in the middle is what they call the NPP, Nuetral Pressure Plane. This is where the negative and positive pressures meet. Below this plane is the negative air pressure, which is why at the foundation your home is trying to pull air in. Above this plane is the positive pressure, which is why air is being forced out through the top of your home.

Wind Loading

Now, wind loading is the change in the air pressure within your home due to the wind hitting the side of your house. We have talked a lot about airflow within the home, now with pressure changes if you open windows on the windy side of the house it will cause a draft up the chimney to help airflow. If you open a window on the opposite side of the house it could create suction and actually pull air and odors down through the chimney into the house. These are some helpful little tips to be aware of when confronting your chimney needs.

Mechanical Devices in Your Home

I am sure you did not realize that the devices in your home such as your dryer and the fans, can also depressurize the area especially around your fireplace. This makes it more difficult for a natural draft airflow to take place. So unless these devices are taking airflow directly from outside via a vent, it could also be throwing off the pressure in your home. If your chimney is ever not getting good airflow it could mean a number of things, such as creosote build up, damage in your chimney, clogged dampers and more. The best thing to do is have regular maintenance by a professional Lawrence Chimney Sweep. Make sure they are knowledgeable and certified chimney sweepers.

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