Mercer County Chimney Damper Repair
Do you know if you need Mercer County chimney damper repair services? A chimney damper is the metal plate located at the top of your flue that seals off the fireplace when it's not in use. It works by blocking the flow of air through the chimney, which helps to keep...
Mercer County Chimney Sweeping Services
Mercer County Chimney Sweeping Service. Are you wondering if your chimney is due for a sweep? Many people enjoy the feel and atmosphere of a wood burning fireplace. Before using your fireplace, you need to make sure that it is clean and safe to operate. It is...
Swifts’ Nest in the Chimney
The “flying cigar” silhouette of the Chimney Swift is a common sight all summer in the skies over eastern cities and towns.
Spring Clean your Chimney
Spring is here, which means more rain, more pests, and probably some much needed deep cleaning. Spring clean your chimney to remove the winter soot and be prepared for the summer’s heat.
Mercer County Chimney Masonry Repairs
Having a chimney on your home can add a lot to it's value. It looks good from the outside and adds a lot of character to the inside. This can be severely affected if your chimney has some damage on it. If your chimney is damaged, you should seek out Mercer County...
Chimney Sweeps in Mercer County NJ
If you're having chimney issues, you're going to want to look for chimney sweeps in Mercer County sooner rather than later. Leaving a damaged or faulty chimney unaddressed can lead to more severe, expensive, and dangerous problems. That said, the signs of needing a...
Mercer County Fireplace Repair
Do you know if you need Mercer County fireplace repair services? The fireplace is an often overlooked part of a home, but neglecting for too long it can be quite hazardous. A damaged fireplace can lead to disastrous chimney fires, collapses and other hazardous...
Chimney Liner Installation in Mercer County
Do you know if it's time to contact a chimney professional for a new chimney liner installation? A chimney liner is an essential part of a home's fireplace, wood stove or furnace, and helps protect the home from the potential danger of smoke and other fumes. It is...
Top Signs that it’s Time to Service Your Chimney
Do you know the last time you had your chimney inspected and cleaned by a chimney sweep? Staying on top of your chimney is important, especially if you use your wood fireplace on a regular basis. Failing to sweep it every so often or leaving damage unaddressed can...