by admin | Jul 17, 2022 | NJ Chimney Sweep
If you have a fireplace, it follows you have a chimney. If you use your fireplace a lot, but haven’t cleaned it recently, you probably need a Mercer County chimney sweeping service. With all there is to do to clean and maintain a home, chimney care often gets put to the bottom of the list. Or completely overlooked all together. Regular chimney maintenance is important for the safety of your family and your home. A fireplace is a wonderful, cozy addition to your home, but your chimney works hard every time you light a fire. Its job is to carry smoke, soot and ash up and away from your home. It can only do that if kept clear, however. Regular inspections and scheduled cleanings are necessary to keep a chimney working safely. For all chimney services, call a Trenton area chimney sweep today.
Trenton Area Chimney Sweep | Regular Inspections and Cleaning
Regularly scheduled inspections are an important part of chimney care. While you are scheduling an annual cleaning for your chimney, make sure to schedule a thorough inspection. A reputable chimney sweeping company will inspect every aspect of your chimney during a regular inspection. They will make sure there are no blockages or signs of wear and tear, and that all vents are clear. Keeping your chimney clear and in good condition keeps your home and family safe, and reduces the risk of chimney fires. It is a good idea to schedule maintenance and cleaning in the spring, after a long winter’s use.
Trenton Area Chimney Sweep | Chimney Repair
Should a problem arise during an annual inspection, a professional chimney care expert can also carry out chimney repair. From repairing masonry outside the chimney, to cracks inside the flue, your local chimney sweep does it all. Cracks in the chimney crown, or in the masonry around the chimney can lead to water getting into your home. These cracks can allow water to seep into the chimney itself, or attic spaces around it. If you see damp spots in the attic, or running down walls by the chimney, you could have a chimney leak. Chimney repairs also include the replacement of warped, rusted flashing, which could cause a leak.
Trenton Area Chimney Sweep | Chimney Caps
If your chimney does not already have a chimney cap, most chimney professionals recommend the addition of one. Chimney caps act as a guard over the top of the chimney. They stop excess water and melting snow from getting down the chimney and into the home. They also help keep the chimney clear of wind-blown debris, such as leaves and twigs. Chimney caps also deter birds from nesting in the chimney during the warmer months, and prevent small animals from entering. Without a chimney cap, it is easy for squirrels and rodents to enter your home through the chimney.
You already know how warm and comforting a roaring fire in the hearth is, how cozy and cheery it is. You know you have to clean the fireplace after a blazing fire, and probably take good care of your fireplace. But to take care of the chimney, you need the services of a professional. Chimneys really need a professional chimney sweep to keep it clean and free from dangerous creosote buildup. Excess buildup could cause a chimney fire if left there. Unrepaired cracks can allow water to leak down the chimney or into your home. Sweeps inspect chimneys for cracks inside and out, ensure the flashing is in good repair, and perform regular cleanings. For all these chimney services, and more, a Trenton area chimney sweep company is there to help.
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by admin | May 6, 2022 | NJ Chimney Sweep
There are 5 Reasons to Clean Your Chimney in Spring! Winter is coming to an end and it is time to think about scheduling your annual chimney cleaning appointment. Your fireplace and chimney need to be cleaned out and made safe. You may need a
Mercer County chimney sweep. There are numerous reasons why cleaning your chimney is important. Here are some of them.

5 Reasons to Clean Your Chimney in Spring | Prevention
Chimney fires can happen at any time. They can be big or small. A chimney inspection is always needed in case there is a potential for a fire. The main reason why chimney fires start is because of buildup in the chimney. Creosote is a residue that when it gets hot can be very combustible. The condensation sticks to the inside walls of the chimney which at the end leaves a residue.
5 Reasons to Clean Your Chimney in Spring | Blockages
Soot and creosote buildup can create a blockage in the chimney. It can block the airflow causing a fire. Wood and gas fireplaces can produce toxic air pollutants. A properly functioning chimney makes sure that these toxins stay out of your home. Leaves and debris can fall into the chimney and create a blockage. If a chimney has a blockage can cause a buildup of gases which could be deadly and poisoning. When a chimney is cleaned you are protecting your home and family.
5 Reasons to Clean Your Chimney in Spring | Odors
If you are noticing some odor coming from your chimney, it may be time to clean it. There could be excessive buildup of residue that are producing odors. Even if the fireplace is not being used a buildup can produce odors. Clearing out any buildup in the chimney and fireplace at the end of Winter will greatly reduce the amount of odor coming from your fireplace during the Summer months. Your overall air quality will improve also.
5 Reasons to Clean Your Chimney in Spring | Damaged Liners and More
When you have a chimney inspection, it can reveal if there is any damaged liners or flue. A professional technician can provide you with information on any problems you may be experiencing and recommend any fixing that needs to be done.
5 Reasons to Clean Your Chimney in Spring | Be Proactive
It is better to be proactive about scheduling your chimney inspection during the Spring months. The availability is greater since most people are not using their fireplaces at this time. Professional chimney sweep companies are usually very busy during the Fall months getting things ready for the harsh Winters. Having your chimney and fireplace cleaned and being maintained will help keep your fireplace in good working order and will also keep your home and family safe. Give you and your family peace of mind and have your chimney and fireplace fully cleaned out so you can enjoy a warm fire and be ready for the first day of Winter for that year. Make your chimney maintenance a priority this Spring season.
Searching for the best 5 Reasons to Clean Your Chimney in Spring? Give St. John Chimney Sweeps a call today! We have been in business for more than 15 years. Being a full service chimney and fireplace sweeping and installation company, we offer 100% customer satisfaction and no-mess guarantee. Feel free to contact us to inquire about our free estimates. Our employees have undergone extensive training and earned certificates, which enable them to do your job with full expertise. We are honest and efficient, providing thorough explanations for all our work. St. John Chimney Sweeps is a NJ Chimney Sweep & NJ Chimney Repair that fulfills all chimney and fireplace Sweeping and installation needs for both residential and commercial clients.
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by admin | Aug 11, 2021 | NJ Chimney Inspection, NJ Chimney Sweep
A considerable amount of house fires in Mercer County are caused when creosote cakes up up on the interior of a chimney. Despite that fact, many homeowners continue to disregard this significant risk, and don’t take preventative measures when it comes to Mercer County chimney cleaning. When houses were heated by fireplaces only, prior to the Industrial Revolution, chimney sweeps were in demand as 19th century homeowners realized how important a clean chimney was for avoiding house fires.
Mercer County Chimney Cleaning
In the 21st century, avoiding a house fire is just as important. Even though most contemporary homeowners use their fireplaces for coziness or have remote controlled natural gas flames to fuel their fires, the majority still use wood to burn and are susceptible to creosote buildup in their dampers and flues. Homeowners are urged to have their chimneys inspected for creosote buildup and a chimney cleaning if necessary in the spring of each year.
Chimney fires are characterized by loud cracking or popping noises and a lot of dense smoke from the flue, but often times go undetected by the homeowner. Chimney fires are often explosive, and it is common for neighbors to hear the explosions and alert the homeowner. Chimney fires can burn at extremely high temperatures (up to 2,000 degrees F).
These super-hot fires will weaken masonry chimney structure after creosote residue builds up in sufficient quantities. The conditions that tend to attract creosote buildup include the natural lack of air supply in chimneys, burning wood that lacks enough seasoning, and cool chimney temperatures that occur in four-season environments. Overloading your firebox to get longer fires can also contribute to creosote residue buildup in your chimney.
So, how often do chimney fires happen? Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) statistics indicate there are more than 25,000 chimney fires annually in the US. These cause over $125 million in property damage, but, if they spread to occupied homes the measurement of human deaths and injuries is impossible to compute.
How Often Should You Get Mercer County Chimney Cleaning Service?
You should have an annual chimney inspection by a reputable Mercer County chimney sweep organization. Depending on how often you use your fireplace to burn wood, creosote residue will build up in your chimney. There are many factors that influence the amount of creosote stuck to the walls of your chimney, such as the volume of airflow into your chimney and burning improperly seasoned wood, which encourage such a buildup. Creosote will also buildup in the flue if you have unburned wood in the firebox.
There is not a “hard and firm” rule of thumb on how often to clean your chimney. An examination by an experienced chimney sweep is the only way to learn if your chimney, whether masonry or metal, needs a cleaning.
Modern prefabricated metal chimneys are specially treated to withstand the high temperatures of a chimney fire without suffering severe damage. Should they suffer damage from a chimney fire, the professional recommendation is to no longer use the chimney until you replace the unit.
Forms of Preventative Maintenance:
A common homeowner question: “How can I maintain the safety of my chimney between professional cleanings to avoid chimney fires?” There are things homeowners can do to better avoid often dangerous chimney fires. Here are a few steps Mercer County homeowners can take:
- Do not let ashes gather in the firebox. Clean them out if they are accumulating.
- Be sure to only use seasoned firewood in your fireplace. If you gather it yourself, season it for a year or more before you burn it. If you buy it from a vendor, ensure that the firewood company only offers seasoned wood.
- Ensure the damper is entirely open BEFORE lighting a fire in the firebox.
- Do not burn pressure-treated or painted wood in the fireplace. This will hasten creosote buildup (pressure-treated wood) or potentially create toxic fumes (painted wood) that are dangerous to your family members.
- Put the largest logs on the bottom of the firebox, followed by smaller logs on top. Why? The fire will burn hotter and produce less smoke. Top that pile with kindling (around one inch) and crushed newspaper to get the fire started properly. This method will retard residue buildup in your chimney.
- Have an annual inspection of your chimney by a professional. Hire an experienced, reliable chimney sweep to mechanically clean your chimney, removing tar and creosote.
Can Just Use “Chimney Sweeping Logs?”
It is not really the logs that do much, but the chemicals within them. Some “chimney sweeping log” products claim to assist retarding creosote buildup, and some of them do so. Those that are somewhat effective in maintaining your chimney between cleanings contain chemicals similar to the chemicals used by chimney sweeps for professional cleanings.
The chemicals are carried up the flue by the rising exhaust from the safe fire in your fireplace. These logs break down the residue coating the inside of your chimney, but many experts have a problem with the marketing strategy for these products.
If you read the “fine print” disclosures for these logs, you will see that the chemicals imbedded in them are labelled “might reduce creosote by as much as 60 percent.” However, experts refute this by saying, “The use of chimney sweeping logs alone is not an adequate substitute for mechanical chimney cleaning and inspection because it does not provide for the same level of protection to the chimney system. Every time you burn wood in your fireplace or wood stove, tar and creosote are formed and over time build up on the inside of your chimney.”
The bottom line is to not rely solely on chimney sweeping logs rather than hiring a professional Mercer County chimney sweep to clean your chimney. While they can help you maintain your chimney between professional chimney sweep cleanings, they do not replace the need for regular chimney inspections and cleanings.
Looking for the Best Mercer County Chimney Sweep?
If you’re looking for the best Mercer County chimney sweep, contact St John Chimney Sweeps right away. At St John Chimney Sweeps we offer 100% customer satisfaction. We have been in business for over 15 years, and St John Chimney Sweeps is the only name you need to know for a full-service chimney sweeping and installation in the New Jersey area. Our employees have had extensive training and have earned many certificates that help them do their job with full expertise. We are efficient and provide a full explanation of the work we need to complete. Our licensed and insured company is also a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild. We have been supplying expert sweeps, repairs and installation services to homeowners all across the state of New Jersey. Call us at (609)737-0133 to find out more about our free estimates. Let us take care of all your chimney needs!
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by admin | Feb 5, 2020 | NJ Chimney Sweep
Do you know the last time you hired someone for a chimney sweep? A chimney is in a vital part of every home that provides ventilation for smoke and flue gases that come from your fireplace or stove. Sometimes, your water heater or furnace flue also ventilates through your chimney, but at times can be vented through a separate vent flue or smaller chimney. Below are some top reasons why regular chimney sweeps are so important.
Regular Chimney Sweeps Prevent Chimney Fires:
Creosote, a type of combustion residue, is highly flammable and will build up on the inside of your fireplace chimney flue. Our chimney cleaning service providers can inspect and clean out your chimney to prevent chimney fires. We will send a certified chimney sweep in the Mercer County NJ area to help to safely service your home to keep you safe and warm.
Routine Chimney Sweeps Minimize Carbon Monoxide Risks:
Carbon monoxide is a byproduct of combustion and needs to be vented safely out the flue. If your chimney flue or boiler/furnace b vent has a blockage or defect, these dangerous gases can leak into your home. Call our Alexandria & Richmond chimney sweep professionals to come out and help with your annual chimney inspection to make sure that your family is protected from carbon monoxide poisoning.
Chimney Maintenance Eliminates Odors:
After using your fireplace for the winter, you should look into chimney cleaning services and schedule an appointment. If you wait until fall, then your chimney can often give off smoky or stinky odors during the warmer months of spring and summer. Our certified chimney sweep in Richmond VA and the Alexandria DC metro area can help you clean out your chimney to prevent these odors.
Chimney Sweeping Increases Your Chimney’s Lifespan:
As your Alexandria and Richmond chimney sweep experts, we advise scheduling an annual chimney inspection to help catch unseen issues with your chimney. This is crucial because if flaws in your chimney are not quickly addressed, over time this can lead to expensive repairs. A good example of this is water penetration that freezes and thaws in a cycle that is very destructive to your chimney. Other chimney repairs like chimney spalling or loose mortar should also be quickly fixed.
Regular Chimney Sweeps Keep Out Unwanted Visitors:
It is important to have a certified chimney sweep come and inspection your chimney to make sure there aren’t any raccoons, squirrels or birds living or trapped inside. These animals can cause dangerous blockages that can hinder proper venting. Contact our certified chimney sweep today to inspect your chimney and install a chimney cap if you don’t already have one to keep out the critters.
Looking for the Best Chimney Sweep Service in Central NJ?
if you’re searching for the best Mercer County chimney sweeping service, contact St. John Chimney Sweeps to inspect your chimney and have it cleaned. St. John Chimney Sweeps has been in business for over 15 years. We are a full service chimney and fireplace sweeping and installation company in Princeton, New Jersey. We offer 100% customer satisfaction and a no mess guarantee. Our products also come with a lifetime warranty. The employees at St. John Chimney Sweeps go through an extensive training and have earned certificates, which permit them to do the job right. We are honest and efficient in all our jobs. We are also a licensed and insured company. St John Chimney Sweeps is the most trusted New Jersey chimney sweep company. We have the experience and the skills to far exceed your expectations. Give us a call today. We encourage you to look through our website and see all we have to offer. Our blog can guide you in the right direction with helpful tips and advice on chimney related services.
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by admin | Jun 10, 2019 | NJ Chimney Sweep
Ewing Area Chimney Sweep. Are you thinking about getting a thorough chimney sweep to keep your home safe during the winter? You need Mercer County chimney sweeping. Relaxing by the fireplace can be wonderful to unwind at the end of your day, but it also can be a safety hazard. If you have not cleaned your fireplace and inspected it before using it, it can cause a house fire or carbon monoxide poisoning. There are a few ways that having your chimney cleaned and inspected before winter can protect your home and family.

Ewing Area Chimney Sweep | Pests
Chimneys can get clogged with lawn debris and with animals creating nests. There are a lot of animals that make their homes in chimneys during the spring and summer. If you light up your fireplace when the flue is blocked by an animal or nest, it can spark a fire. You can also be in danger of carbon monoxide poisoning. The smoke is unable to completely go out through the chimney therefore it will come back into the home.
Ewing Area Chimney Sweep | Chemical Compound
If you have ever noticed a dark tar-like substance on the walls of the chimney, it is called creosote. It is extremely flammable, and it is a chemical compound that forms when you burn wood in your fireplace. This is a major cause for chimney fires and house fires. When there is large buildup of creosote in the chimney, it can burn for a long time and remain in the flue and cause major damage to the chimney and the surrounding areas.
Ewing Area Chimney Sweep | Structural Damage
The entire chimney and its surrounding must be in good condition to protect your home from water damage and fire. Chimneys can get damaged and start to deteriorate because the exposure to harsh weather and extreme temperatures. A professional needs to inspect your chimney regularly since they have the experience and the right equipment. Cracked chimney crowns or damaged flue liners need to be repaired before being able to use the chimney safely.
Ewing Area Chimney Sweep | Flue Liner
The flue liner of a chimney is the main defense against a house fire and monoxide poisoning. It protects the rest of the chimney from high temperatures of fire and chemicals in the smoke. It prevents sparks from getting into the home. When there is a big buildup of creosote, it traps moisture that can damage the flue liner. A professional should be cleaning your flue at least once a year to help it last longer.
Ewing Area Chimney Sweep | Work More Efficiently
Having yearly chimney inspections and sweeps helps the chimney to work more efficiently. In turn, when a fire burns fuel efficiently it provides more heat with less smoke. You are also able to keep your home comfortable and safe. Scheduling a chimney sweep before you start using your fireplace can improve the efficiency. The cleaning process removes any thing in the way of allowing the smoke to escape the home and allowing oxygen that the fire needs to burn well.
Searching for the best Ewing Area Chimney Sweep company. St John Chimney Sweeps is the place to call. We offer chimney sweeping, repairs and full safety inspections in New Jersey. Our technicians inspect your chimney with every sweeping, looking for anything that would interfere with your chimney working the way it should. Your chimney should be cleaned at least once a year to avoid any problems. Schedule a chimney inspection and sweep today to have peace of mind that you will be ready when those cold nights come along and you need to get warmed fast.
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by admin | Jun 4, 2019 | NJ Chimney Sweep
For some, the first mental image at the phrase “chimney sweep” is some Dickson-era orphan asking guv’ner for spare change. However, the art of chimney sweeping is not limited to the bygone age of coal production and child labor. People still own chimneys, and those chimneys still need to be swept. So, if your home has a chimney that it uses, are you keeping it clean? Remember, poor old Santa Claus must jump down that thing every year. Do you want Santa Claus to come down your flute looking ready to pop into “Oliver Twist”? That sort of poor chimney maintenance puts you on the naughty list for sure. So, if you live in Mercer County, a Mercer county chimney sweeping service is right for you. Call a Princeton Area chimney sweep today.

Chimney sweeping safety | Princeton Area Chimney Sweep
A clean chimney is important for home safety. Chimney fires are a series hazard to the health of you, your family, and your home. Not to mention poor Santa Claus. When your chimney fills up with chemicals and soot and other such residue, it becomes dangerous. So cleaning the chimney regularly prevents the risk of the chimney catching fire. It keeps your home safer, and means you can relax by the fire in peace. You can roast your chestnuts, warm and sated from all fears of spontaneous combustion.
Better heating | Princeton Area Chimney Sweep
Keeping your chimney clear helps the chimney run more efficiently. Without all the blockage, you do not have to use excessive amounts of wood. The chimney will do its purpose, and the heat will have somewhere to escape too. If you forget to regularly sweep the chimney, then serious damage can occur. The chimney will malfunction, and expensive repairs will be needed. Also, by keeping your chimney clean, you can spot small problem areas early. And you can also prevent them from spreading.
You do not need to clean the chimney all day every day. How often you use the chimney should be proportionate to how often you clean out its flumes. Once a year is likely often enough for most fireplace situations. We are, again, not in the 18th century where we need a wood-burning fireplace to brew up gruel. And then deny seconds of said gruel to orphans. In the long run, hiring a chimney sweep once a year is likely to pay off. You will be spared all avoidable expenses of chimney repairs.
Who to call | Princeton Area Chimney Sweep
Conceivably, it is possible to clean your own chimney. But it is a messy, potentially dangerous job. And you are likely to get soot in your hair. Professional chimney sweeps no more than just how to step-in-time. They have the know-how to get all the problem areas. Clean up all the grit and build-up. Keep themselves safe when on the roof of your home. Remember, just because Santa Claus has no problem being up there, does not mean you will find it as easy.
Dirty chimneys are dangerous. Dirty chimneys do not run properly. And dirty chimneys are gross. If you own a chimney, it is important as a good homeowner and caretaker to look after the poor thing. And if you, understandably, are not eager to get involved in such a messy situation, there are professionals. Simply call up your local Princeton Area Chimney Sweep for all your chimney sweeping needs. They are more than qualified to do the job and do it right. It will protect your home, your family, and keep you nice and toasty during the winter months.
Mercer County Chimney Sweep
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